Sunday, October 27, 2013

Getuk Lindri -Yucca/Cassava cake-

Getuk is yummy traditional cake, made of singkong, casava. It's Yucca here. I guess Mexican eat this too so I can find it easily here, not the leaves tho. We, Indonesian like to cook and eat both.
When I was a kid I like helping mom in the kitchen, if not helping then I watched mom cooking. I know how to handle some stuff just like this, peeling yucca roots. The texture of the skin is lil bit different but mostly the roots here are more tender than in my country.

peeling the skin
soaking in salt water
This recipe I got from my friend, Renny Asti.
bahan :
1 kg singkong kupas , potong2
1/2 sdt garam
Air utk merendam
200 gr gula pasir / sesuai selera 
25 gr margarin
Pewarna / pasta pandan , merah muda .
Bahan taburan ( kukus 15 menit )
Kelapa parut 100 gr
1/4 sdt garam 

Cara membuat :
1. Rendam singkong di dlm air yg di beri garam kurleb 5 menit . Tiriskan lalu kukus sampai matang .
2. Panas2 haluskan kasar
3. Masukkan gulapasir dan margarin . Lalu giling dlm gilingan getuk .
4. Ulang sekali lagi sampai halus . Bagi 3 bagian .
5. Satu beri pasta pandan , satu merah muda dan satu biarkan polos . Aduk rata .
6. Giling lg adonan dan gulung . Sajikan bersama kelapa parut .
Selamat mencoba  .

I browsed lil about it since I wanna make sure that the dough I have is the same. Somehow the yucca that's been mashed is sticky and heavy. I added lil warm water to make it lighter lil bit. hope it's ok. 
Here's the ingredients I used.

3 yucca, peeled, cleaned, steamed
5 tsp margarine 
100gr sugar
1/2 tsp salt
Shredded coconut, unsweetened. For topping that's gonna be sprinkled. steamed it for couple min. *shredded coconut here is not fine, so I need to chop using magic bullet just 3-5 spins.

Before you steam the yucca, soaked in salt water for about 5min.
Mixed all the ingredients till it is smooth.
Prepare the meat grinder. *make sure it's only used for this cake, I got brand new one from Indonesia*

To make sure the dough is smooth well, do it several times, in the meat grinder. It's to make brand new clean also.

Once you think it's smooth then divided the dough into 2 for coloring. *optional if you just wanna have natural color of it, it's fine*
Put some drops and mixed it well. 
Put it in meat grinder. Be ready for your palm to be just on the mouth of plate. So it won't fall. My mom usually just sliced for 2inch for each cake. 

Sprinkled with shredded coconut that's been steamed couple min. Sooo yummy!
This time I put color, testing it, Green.
well it took time a bit hahhah
 the green turned not the one I like haaha not too dark, hmm 
and by the way, I got frozen yucca/cassava, already peeled, cleaned! I recommended that one! Good color and softer!

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