Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Tumis Tempe in Spring rolls skin

Another Simple light menu that can be appetizer for my hubby. Tumis Tempe or Stir fried Tempe in spring rolls skin. Got the idea when I ate at Vietnamese cafe. The filling in that cafe was shrimps, vermicelli and some veggies I guess. Now I change it. 

The pic on the left is for the filling. 

1 package of Organic tempe, diced
1 clove of garlic
1 small shallot
several cherry tomatoes, sliced
several green chilies *optional*
1 Zuchini, diced

1 tbsp sweet soy
1 tsp white pepper
1 tsp salt
1 tbsp oyster sauce
1 tsp chicken buoilon powder
1 tsp sesame oil
1 tbsp olive oil for stir fried

How to 

Saute garlic and shallot in a tablespoon of olive oil. Pour the green chilies, Zuchini and Tempe. Add all seasonings. Bring to taste. Set aside.

Ready to wrap it on spring rolls skin. If you wanna see this video youtube how to wrap spring rolls

Served with sri racha sauce if you want just like my hubby or peanut sauce. For me just eat it like that, spicy enough when you bite chilies inside. >_<

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