Thursday, June 13, 2013

Kue Pepe -Steamed Layer Tapioca Cake

Here it is, my grandma specialty :-)

Finally I made this one tho I am not into sticky food for now. Just had nothing to do at home as usual >_<


250gr tapioca flour
100 gr rice flour
800ml coconut milk
250gr sugar
1/2tsp salt
10 kaffir lime leaves
Pandan (screw pine leave)
3 drops of several food color

How to

Boiled the coconut milk add kaffir lime and pandan. 
Add sugar, dissolved it. set aside

Prepare a bowl. Mixed rice flour, tapioca, salt.
Pour the coconut milk into it.

Divided the batter into 3 bowls.
Add food color into each bowl, mixed it well.

Prepare steamer and round or square small pan or cookie mold Grease it with spray cooking oil.

Pour the first layer, cook 5-10min.
Add next layer, cook another 5-10min.
do that till the batter finish

Cool it down. 
Once it's ready, remove it from the pan/cookie molds.
 Sliced with knife that's been covered with plastic so it won't stick.

The way I ate when I was kid was by opening each layer 

and playing it before it came into my mouth 
Don't follow my bad manner of eating >_<


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