Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Ayam Pop-Chicken POP

I have no idea why this food named AYAM POP :-) I only know that you can find this at SIMPANG RAYA restaurant. Sumatra's food flavor. Spicy Hot Yummy. I browsed the recipe but i found one thing that i didn't have, coconut water. Think hard girl. Cling! *the bulb lamp is on my head if you can take pic of me at this moment LOL* so I used the coconut powder plus lots of water then it looked like coconut water! Aha!!

How to cook :
Prepare 6 chicken wings *that's all I like, wings!* You can use other parts of the chicken. Cleaned and marinated with lemon juice for about 30 min. According to the recipe you have to skinned the chicken but I let the skin stay since it's the best part LOL.
1-2 tbsp of coconut powder mixed with 2.5 cups of water. *if you have coconut water, then use it instead* Put it in a pot. Boiled with the chicken as well.

seasoning :
6 cloves of garlic, peeled and ground them
1 tsp of salt
1 tbsp of ginger
1 tsp of sugar
1 tsp of pepper
Saute the garlic with 1 tbsp of margarine for about 10min. Add the rest of seasoning as well. Put it into the pot of the chicken. Cook till the chicken tender for about 20min. *Depends on which part of the chicken meat you cook i guess* Take the chicken out of the pot. Leave the broth. *can I use it again for next cooking?LOL*

Prepare the skillet with 1-2 tbsp of vegetable oil. Fry the chicken just to make it little bit oily and light brown. *Some people don't like to fry it after the boiling part* Serve with sambal, Chili paste, steamed-Casava leave and jasmine rice. Hmm YumYum.

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