Thursday, January 30, 2014

Extreme Chocolate Cake

The Birthday is coming soon.. Hubby's birthday! ^^ Gotta make something special hmm.
Actually I got the cake carrier 3 days before hubby's birthday. Is it a kind of sign for me to make him a cake?? ^^ 

He bought this carrier cake by himself. Wow what a progress! I don't know he has the taste choosing these kind of stuff. He knows I love RED tho. ^^ Got the cake knife also. Thanks hon.
I know I have to learn making decorated cake. Hmm It's just I don't really like icing, frosting, sort of.
I browsed some of recipes and found  The recipe
This is the first time ever making frosting cakeI didn't have plenty confection sugar, so I decided to put strawberry jam for each layer. I made 2 round cake and just put them without slicing them into two each. Just worried I made a mess.
before putting frosting, I only added strawberry jam between cake

The interesting part of this cake is coffee. The recipe ingredients got the hot brew coffee, one cup. Really?? I just followed it and love it. Turned out too be so good!The texture also moist.
I tasted some of the cake that's stick on the pan. ^^
I will slice the cake later. Waiting for the birthday boy to slice it. Hope he will love it.

Got cute Greeting from my sis ! Cute cat!

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