Thursday, December 12, 2013

Popsicle smoothie

Didn't have purpose making real Popsicle actually.
Hubby bought me activia but I'm not into liquid milky taste, tho it's strawberry but I could still taste the milky yoghurt that's not my thing >_<

He said mix it in smoothie that I usually make. I tried but still I couldn't stand it lol
Ohhboy yea you tell me I'm very picky!

 Feel bad that smoothie was going in the trash, I was thinking making it into ice popsicle in a plastic. But I don't have plastic like in Indonesia and I had no idea where I could get it here.
It was late at nite either so I decided to put my big glass of smoothie into the fridge and look for Popsicle molds the next day. Unfortunately it was not my day either, yup no luck getting it in target and walmart >_<

Afraid that the smoothie was going to be bad in the fridge for long, so I finally made decision to put it in ice cube molds and since I had no real stick for Popsicle yet, I cut some straws into smaller pieces just enough proportion with the ice cube size.
Taraaaaaa.. not bad tho ^^
Taste good too!
You can make it with any kind of smoothie.

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