Saturday, November 2, 2013

Talam Lapis Ketan -Glutinous rice layer cake-

Having trouble with teeth n can't chew ?? This is my medicine to keep me smiling lol. I browsed the recipe n got this simple one .

Berikut ini resepnya : (Ingredients)

Bahan 1:
- 250 gr ketan (glutinous rice)
- 150 cc santan (coconut milk)
- 1/4 sdt garam (tsp salt)

Bahan 2 :
- 1 lembar daun pandan (pandanus leaves, subs with couple drops pandan flavor)
- 3 lembar daun suji (aku skip ganti dgn pasta pandan golden brown)(subs with pandan green food coloring)
- 3 butir telur kocok lepas (whisked eggs)
- 200 cc santan kental (coconut milk)
- 100 gr gula pasir (menurutku kemanisan, bisa dikurangi or sesuai selera)(granulated sugar)
- 4 sdt tepung maizena (tsp corn starch)
- 3 sdm tepung terigu (tbsp flour)

  Cara membuat : (Method)

Kukus beras ketan selama 20 menit sampai 1/2 matang. (steam the rice 20 Min, half cooked)

Masak santan dan garam sampai mendidih, aduk rata dan angkat. (boil the coconut milk n salt, stir it)

Taruh ketan 1/2 matang dalam wadah, tuangkan santan lalu aduk sampai rata dan tercampur rata. (half cooked rice is put in a bowl and pour the boiled coconut milk, mixed them well)

Kukus lagi ketan selama 20 menit angkat. (steam the rice for 20 more min)

Siapkan cetakan talam . (prepare the moldings, grease it with cooking oil)

Tuang 1/2 bagian ketan ke dalam mangkuk talam, sisihkan lakukan pada semua ketan. (place the rice on the bottom of the mold, neatly)

Adonan 2 tumbuk daun suji dan daun pandan lalu peras ambil airnya (proses ini aku skip ganti dgn pasta pandan golden brown)
(subs with green food color for few drops if you don't have fresh leaves that can be used for coloring)

Campur tepung maizena, terigu dan gula pasir. Tambahkan sedikit demi sedikit santan dan telur. Aduk rata tambahkan pasta pandan.
(mixed flour, corn starch,sugar, coconut milk and eggs)

Tuang adonan 2 diatas ketan dan kukus sampai matang.
(pour it to the cooking molds that have been added with rice on the bottom, steam for about 10min)

One thing I can say about this recipe that I can fix is no need too much whisked eggs or I might skip the eggs.  

The taste is still good but when it's steamed, the top layer develop and once you open the lid of steamer,  it's stop developing, dropping instead, the shape is ugly lol so I didn't take pic of the green layer on top :-)

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