Thursday, June 6, 2013

Spicy Baked-Eggplants

Been long time I don't eat eggplants. To be honest I am not really into it >_< Yeaah that's me not into veggies actually. So picky choosing veggies. 

Glad I met my Indonesian friend yesterday. She plants organic plants around her house. Fruits, veggies, flowers. She is really serious becoming organic consumer if I may say. She even bought the soil from the zoo. No chemical at all for her garden. Cool!

Now I have to cook it. The simple way is "Balado Terong" or spicy eggplants. Most of Indonesians deep fried it and then pan fried with sambal or hot chili paste home made one. 

This is how I cook. I sliced eggplants and put them on a pan that's been spraying with oil. I sprayed eggplants with cooking oil n olive oil. Sprinkled salt, oregano and sprayed them with chili paste I made already before.
Baked in 350F for about 15min.

How I made the chili paste. Hmm it's a basic Indonesian style. Garlic, shallots, chili, salt, candle nut, little bit ginger, olive oil. I used magic bullet. Then saute it in a medium heat, add kaffir lime, bay leave, little sugar. Bring to taste. I added sambal terasi ready *_* I don't know if you like it or not, terasi ( shrimp paste ) is to make the flavor more delicious in my opinion. 

Served it with Tempe I cooked yesterday and jasmine rice.. It's like in heaven! hahaha hubby loves it! 

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