Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Pisang Molen Goreng

I Love Plantain but not my hubby! Yay I can eat all. >_< 
I love plantain since I can make plenty of Indonesian snacks with it! One of them is Molen!

We have two kinds of Molen actually, Baked and Fried. Baked is quite fancy and more expensive. My fav place is in Bandung, West Java. 

Once I tried making Baked Molen using pastry. Now I am making fried Molen from the scratch.


1 plantain, choose the one that's ripe, sliced it into 3-4
100 gr flour
40 gr butter, melted
2 tbsp sugar
1 tsp salt
3 tbsp of water
Cooking oil for deep frying

How to make 

Mix flour, sugar, butter, salt in a bowl. Slowly add water and Knead it into a dough. Take enough dough on your palm. flattened it on big cutting board or clean table. 

You can use rolling pin or pasta maker number 3. 
I used rolling pin since I only made small amount.

Rolling the pin over the dough till you make long one, maybe 10 cm. Cut it if it's too wide or too long. Make sure you make thin skin so when you fried it, the inside is cooked too.

Take a sliced of plantain. Put it on the edge of the skin you made. Wrapped it by rolling the dough till you meet the other end. 
When you rolled the skin, make sure you don't roll over the skin that will make the skin thicker. It won't be good when you fry it. So roll it evenly until the plantain is covered. Do it till all plantain done.

Prepare the pan with cooking oil. Deep fried till it's golden brown. If you make good skin which is thin n evenly wrapped over the plantain, you will have it cooked till the inside.
Set the heat of oil too. Don't over heat it. The skin is easily fried. 

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