Saturday, June 8, 2013

Kue Lapis Beras -Steamed Layer Rice flour cake-

Kue Lapis is my grandma's specialty actually. I still remember she made it when she stayed for a while in our house. She was quite creative in cooking tho she didn't have teeth. >_<
The basic ingredient she used was tapioca flour so the texture was elastic and you could pull long before you eat it. I am not really into tapioca so I used rice flour combined with tapioca flour. 


125gr rice flour
25gr tapioca flour
500ml coconut milk
1/2tsp salt
1 pandan leave
1 kaffir lime
125gr sugar 
couple of drops food color
If you wanna make more cake, use this recipe for one color only. 

How to 

Prepare a bowl. Mix tapioca, rice flour, sugar. Set aside. 
Prepare a pot in medium heat. Boil coconut milk, salt. Mix it well and add kaffir lime, pandan leave. Cool it down.

Once it ready, mix dry ingredients into wet dry well. 

Prepare another bowl. Divided the batter evenly. Drop few food color. I used chocolate and green. Mix each bowl well. Set aside.

Prepare a steamer and Cookie molds that you wanna use. Spray with cooking oil. Put them in the steamer. For the first layer, pour chocolate batter in the molds. Cook for about 10min. Test it with chopstick gently. If it's done, pour next layer with different color. Cook for about 5-10min. Do that till you finish the batter. 

Take the cake out of cookie molds when they're cooling down. Use small corner of small knife to help the cake out gently. 

P.S : The pics show how many cake I could make with this recipe! 

If you wanna make more just use this recipe for one color, make another recipe for another color as you like until how many layers you wanna make. Served while it's warm is better.

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