Friday, May 24, 2013

Tempe in Banana leaves' package

Banana leaf as a food wrapper for Indonesian cuisine is quite common. Plenty of delicious food wrapped in banana leaf not to mention Tempe. We like with the leaves' package since the fragrant smells better some people said. Once it's cooked also taste differently. Especially if you have the Tempe fresh as well. 

I never thought that banana leaf is easy to find in FL, well frozen tho. Some stores may not have it or out of stock. So if I go shopping and see some, I grab. It's a treasurer for us, Indonesian. hahaha
Well you know frozen quality, the smell is quite different but better than nothing. Just make sure you thaw & clean it before using. 

I know it needs much work packaging Tempe with Banana leaf but being successful making Tempe so far, make me wanna try it and wanna feel just like in my country. *gaya*  

Some tempe makers shape the banana leaves into square,rectangle triangle, big, small, depends on how big the banana leaf I guess. Here I tried wrapping it into triangle and square package. This is the first time so I guess I'd better making it just small amount.
First time I came to USA and saw some banana trees were quite shocked tho hahahaha, never realize that FL has the same weather I guess with Jakarta, during spring, summer. So that's why some fruits, plants are alike, grow well.

I want to have fresh banana leaf if I make food but buying the tree and planting it wont guarantee to grow hahaha fortunately friend of my hubby has some of banana trees at his backyard,no fruit yet but plenty leaves n seems grow well. He gave us two and we planted them last 2years but one dead and the other is still small until now. I guess it won't grow well since I am not into gardening much. Glad I decided not to buy it huh. >_<
Filling the Tempe and locking it once it's full with toothpick carefully. 
I hope my Tempe is working! 

I let one pack ziploc as reference/indicator whether my Tempe is going to be good or not hahaha still not confident yet! since this is the first time making it with banana leaves. Always nervous when I make Tempe. 

Yay I made it! 

Here's the result


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