Saturday, October 6, 2012

Wingko Babat - Sweet Glutinous Rice Coconut Cake

In Indonesia somehow i don't really like this cake since probably it's already store too long so it's not fresh anymore. But in Florida when we celebrated Ied Fitri there's Indonesian lady who made wingko babat n it's yummy! so i got curious making it. Got the simple recipe here

Ingredients :
250gr glutinous rice flour
shredded coconut
175gr sugar
1 tsp salt
100ml water *but when i mixed, it's too dry so i added 200ml more, it's my trial*
1/2 tsp vanilla

How to make :
Preheat Muffin pans. Mix all ingredients. Pour the dough into muffin pans *half full* that's spray with PAM *if you don't use non-stick pan* Bake in 350F for about 20min at first. Flip the dough. Broil till it's golden brown *almost burnt* but keep an eye on it.
Serve it warm *otherwise it'll be hard, not good for me who wear braces LOL*

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