Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Process of making Tempe (Tempeh) from scratch

This is my second time making Tempe. Guess i need to put it here the process of making it. 
I got Ready to Make Tempe Kit Starter

soy bean, ragi tempe, perforated ziploc
Ready to Make Tempe Kit Starter
contact this link

Here are the steps for making it

1. Soak the soybean for 8hours in 6quarts of water
2. Rinse it. wash it till no more hulls, 
atleast 8times changing water.

after its clean, prepare the pot to boil the soybean. Add 2tbsp of vinegar ( After I have my own Tempe starter, I don't add vinegar anymore )

3. Boil for about 10-15 min. 
Remove some soybean hulls that are floating

4. Drain it well. 
*Put the cooked soybean on cookie pan or big tray that's covered with paper towel to absorb left over water, just to make sure its dry enough*

5. Pour the ragi *starter* and mix it thoroughly over the cooked soybean

6. Fill perforated ziploc half full. 
Arrange it on a cookie rack and store in pantry cover with sheet

Check after 24hours it should be foggy *warm with sweat*

its like condensation perhaps. 
Remove the sheet. 

 after this phase, around 10-12more hours 
you will see like this pic below
Its' Done!

Take it out from the pantry

Ready to be cooked as you like as soon as no more sweating 
 you can store the rest of it in freezer 
if you don't wanna cook right away. 

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