
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Beef Soup -Sup Daging Sapi

Soup is the best food in this cold weather! Indonesian Style Soup is good to accompany us!
So simple so easy and so clear! that's what I want for soup, not creamy one like western :-)
1/2 lb of Beef stew 
3-5 potatoes, washed, cut into 4 pieces each
4-5 carrots, sliced round
2-3 green onion, chopped
half head of cabbages, sliced
Meatballs and tofu *optional*
2-3 tomatoes

3-5 cloves of garlic
1tbsp of salt
1tbsp of pepper
Grind them and sauted
 2 shallots, peeled, sliced thin and fried

Boiled the beef in 4 cups of water till they are tender
Pour the seasoning and veggies
Bring to taste, by adding more salt or pepper.

Served with Jasmine rice, garnished more with tomatoes and green onion. 

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