
Sunday, November 17, 2013

Salted Eggs, Home made!

I am not into salted eggs actually, but I do like the egg yolk in salted eggs heheh.
Hubby never allows me buying salted eggs in Asian market. He said "I don't like it" and I was afraid too, wasting money for something I'm not sure if that salted eggs in store are good or not.

Time passing by and I forgot about salted eggs. One day I saw one of my friend on facebook posting about it and she made it by herself! WOW.. Got curious and read her blog. Check this out *in bahasa Indonesia* for the tips and method : Homemade Salted eggs

It took 3 weeks to make it done, quite long. 
Well I am not in a hurry tho, like I said before "I'm curious making it my self."

I counted the best time for making it. I remember it was a week before my trip to Grand Canyon and Vegas, I soaked the eggs. I made only 2! Just for experiment. *I hope I did count it right lol*

Now I'm back from the trip and It's time to cook it. I boiled for about 1 hour.It said the longer the better, means the egg yolk part becomes oily. Between 1-1.5 hours boiling. 

The salty taste is perfectly as I want but the yolk hmm not that oily. For first trial, Not bad! Love it!
The good thing is HUBBY loves it! He just tried it and said WOW interesting, so you don't need to put salt anymore to make it salted huh.. well I guess he doesn't understand salted eggs Indonesian style >_< 

Anyway I will make it again with more eggs next time! As soon as I got some eggs :-)   
Updating blog on Jan 2nd 2014
I made more salted eggs as soon as I knew the salty water that's been used can be reused
I did the same thing like before
Soaked them from 7th of December 2013 

and I boiled them on Jan 2nd 2014

The way I boiled this time is simple, since I have no more medium pot for my 12 eggs, I was thinking of using rice cooker pot. It will be just the same. I chose the setting of brown rice since it will take longer time.
Soon as the water is simmering and warm, I put all the eggs, close the lid and let the rice cooker worked. After rice cooker beeped, I unplugged the cable and let the eggs inside till cooling down.

Here is the result!! OH MY GOD!! 
Alhamdulillah! this is what salted eggs should be. The oily from the yellow part came out.


  1. suka foto yg terakhir.....^^
    berikutnya mau mbikin berapa, Mbak? :)

    1. Thanks! I guess Maybe 6 eggs for my next project hahaha still looking for medium jar to make it tho
