Monday, October 28, 2013

Gado-Gado -Indonesian cooked salad with peanut dressing

Gado-Gado can be categorized salad I guess but all cooked *except the cucumber*. Steamed, Boiled,only in short time, until all the veggies are tender.

It's heaven!

The ingredients I used here
1 cup spinach
half cabbage
1 chayote squash
2 boiled eggs
1 pack of tempe
Half tofu 
1 cucumber
1 zuchini

washed all the veggies
 diced and steamed the veggies except cucumber.
put the last minute before turning the stove off for spinach n zuchini.

Oops almost forgot, deep fried tofu and tempe that had been diced and soaked with salt water 5min. 

Prepare the Peanut dressing
I'm using ready one. Just add hot water maybe 1/2 glass to make thick dressing.
Click these links below 
Satay peanut dressing could be used too. Just add chili if you wanna have spicy.

Served with jasmine rice or Lontong/ketupat,
Indonesian rice cake.

P.S :  You can add more veggies such as Bean sprout, Water spinach. I just didnt have them for now :-)

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