Thursday, October 17, 2013

Fresh Tempe lasts for 3 days *experiment*

Back Making Tempe! Wohoo!
Yup it's exciting making it tho it's tiring. if more than 14 oz of soy beans tho. 
Tempe done still sweating some

Since this's going to be first time making it again after being off 2 months, so I made it small amount. Wanna test the weather temperature in my home in this fall too. Glad it's working well!

Got friend of mine commenting about Homeland Tempe that's been sitting 3 days and getting bad *read blackened* tho probably you still can eat it, some still producing sort of Tempe to be eaten, So I decided to make experiment using my home made tempe. 

 tempe that's been 2 days sitting by the kitchen counter
I made it done on tuesday morning, still sweating some, since I was just having my teeth pulled, I couldn't eat normally. I put 3 of them in freezer but left 2 by the kitchen counter. Wishing I could cook it later and hoping my home made tempe would still be good. Indeed it's still good and still growing i guess, it's still warm. Wow! cool! 
Tempe that's been 3 days sitting by the kitchen counter
My gum is almost healed today. I decided to cook my tempe. It's been 3 days now. It's still very good. Sooo Happyyyyyy!

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