
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Home Made Pho / Meatballs soup

I forgot when I ate and knew about pho for the first time here. I guess it's my friends who Introduced it. Now I know some places for Pho. 3 places that We tried. Most are always packed, crowded. Hmm Good business. People seems like it a lot.

Glad hubby loves Asian food so I don't have difficulty dragging him to try some Asian Bistros. The taste is not like meatballs in my country but surely it's like subswell sort of. ^^

I watched the video on youtube how to make pho. She has nice website too. Her website is "EatNowCrylater". I like her. I follow some of her recipes there. 

Well for this one, I skipped some ingredients here, such as Cardamon, fennel seeds. Here is the link how to make pho 

I made my own meatballs. They are Indonesian style, soft, tender, chewy but yummy. I skipped thinned slices of beef flanks too. Just chunks of meat that have fat and some bones that still have meat attached. Love that part.^^

Not to mention the additional veggies, such as Culantro. It smells sooo good. Couple of bean sprouts,  and vermicelli noodle * I ran out of rice noodle, too bad* And if you wanna get spicier, slices of jalapeno chili pepper and one spoon of sriracha sauce would melt your nose lol.

It's not fancy but this bowl of Pho is perfect on this crazy weather! 
Even Florida got the record for the cold! Brrr...

Stay Warm Folks!

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