
Sunday, October 13, 2013

Tempe Salad

Yellow! How r u bloggers! Glad I'm back here cooking n taking pics of my food! Been having fun in my hometown with bunch of yummy food and good friends n fam, it's heaven huh. Well gotta be back tho to my lovely lonely hubby :-) Yup 2 months is more than enough for us. 

Here i am with new recipe. I got the recipe from my sis's friend when we were in LOMBOK. Never heard of that place? it's way better than BALI i can say. Pristine beaches, no traffic for sure, and yummy food. Will be back someday!

This is actually simple recipe but since it used coconut oil so the taste is way much better and so different. 
1 pack of Tempe, diced
1-2 cloves of garlic and shallots, sliced thinly 
1 tsp of salt
1-2 cups of fresh spinach
5 tbsp of coconut oil, i used coconut oil from costco, 100% organic
2 fresh red chili pepper, optional
3 tbsp sweet soy sauce
2 tbsp oyster sauce

Medium pan, heat the coconut oil, saute garlic, shallots and chili pepper for about 3 min then add diced of tempe, cook for about 2 min then add sauces. Mix them well for about 5 min, bring to taste by adding salt. Turn the stove off then pour the spinach, tossed them. Ready to be served with jasmine rice or just eat it right away for light brunch.
The recipe is for 2 small people :-)

 Bon appetite!

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