
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Steamed Pumpkin Cake

Woohooo it's blooming like flower!
That's suppose to be like that for steaming cake and not everybody can make it, that's true!

I tried using several molds and following the direction how to cook it.
some blooming some didn't. Oops! 
I took the good ones :-)

I modified "Kue Mangkok Ubi" into this!
Using pumpkin puree!

I've been in FL for about 3years and never cook something with pumpkin! 
I got lured looking at pumpkin patch almost at every corner of the streets when halloween is coming.
Never know it's that yummy n soft!
I used my friend's recipe, only subs the sweet potatoes with pumpkin puree.
The reason I used pumpkin because I wanna know how good pumpkin is.


100gr flour
1 tbsp yeast
150ml warm water 
*I used microwave pushed number 1, then wait till couple of min to cool down*

100gr pumpkin pure
I cooked for couple of min adding 1 tsp vanilla and 1 tsp cinnamon powder
100gr flour
100gr rice flour
200gr granulated sugar
1tbsp baking powder
150ml coconut milk

Mixed all ingredients A. Cover it. Wait for about 20min to double size/develop. 

In a small pot, cook pumpkin for about 5min. cool it down.

In a bowl, mix flour, rice flour and baking powder. Once the pumpkin pure ready, mixed it and add coconut milk slowly while stirring it. 
Add the ingredients A that's developed well. 
Add sugar one at a time.

Prepare the steamer
It is should be in high steamer
Set the stove to high
Cover the lid with cloth/napkin to prevent the steam water drops

Prepare the molds
I used paper cup for muffins
fill the dough almost full
once the steamer is ready, arrange the molds not too close to one another. 
I used bamboo steamer n put 4-5 molds in one time.
 cook for about 10-15min depends on the size of the molds

Hope you will get the cakes
blooming like this :-)

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