
Saturday, June 15, 2013

Sate Padang

I found The best Indonesian Restaurant when I visited my friend in NY. I ate there twice! First eating, I was not making good choice. Maybe since I had the braces just couple of months so I was picky choosing the food. But the second time, I went with group of friends and one of them choosing Sate Padang n I asked how's the meat? Was it hard? she said NO. It's yummy!Indeed! OMG. 

So Since then I told to my self, I should be able to find or make that kind of sate padang. Whoaaa it's a dream really tho! >_< I never realize I would make one here. But well here I am.

I know Sate Padang use certain "unusual" part bodies of cow. It's not tenderloin, sirloin, stew sort of. If I tell you, maybe you will have the same expression just like my hubby.. Ewwww.. hahahaa well anyway I don't use it here yet. I might look for it later if this one is success. I only wanna make experiment in my kitchen first with available ingredients. 

I browsed some links and got youtube video sate padang in Bahasa Indonesia. I didn't use all ingredients here since I couldn't find it,such as "Daun Kunyit" hmm is it turmeric leaves? Well hopefully it won't effect that much. >_<


half pound meat 


2 big cloves of garlic
1 big shallot
several fresh chilies, small red n green ones 
*depends on how much spicy you wanna have*
1 tsp salt
3tbsp olive oil 
Used magic bullet to make them into puree

kaffir limes, 
tamarind paste, 
*they are added when you sauteed the puree

2tsp corn flour
50-100ml water
Mixed them well
*to make the sauce thicker*

2 shallots, sliced thinly, fried
* I didn't use it*

How to

Boiled the meat till tender, sliced, set aside
Keep the broth
Sauteed the puree, take half to marinate the meat
take another half and pour it in the broth

Boiled the broth with the sauteed puree
add corn starch liquid while you stir
not too thick not too thin,set aside

Arrange the meat in a skewer

Grilled for about 2-5min

Served with rice cake that's been diced, sliced.

*this is the rice cake process and then boiled till the rice done

Actually there's ready rice cake wrapped in plastic, but somehow I don't like it anymore. So I try making it and hopefully it works. I remember making it when I helped my mother.
After couple of min, hmm let's say 50min up to 1,2hours, depends on how many you boiled.
I didn't make it that right, since 2 of packages tore out tho not that bad >_<
drained and let them cool

After that sliced, diced. I made the broken lontong into nasi Himpit.
once it's cold in that red bowl, I can slice it.

In a plate, arrange rice cake, satay in skewer and then pour with the sauce. 

If you make fried crispy shallot, sprinkled it on top
 hmm can't wait eating it.

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