
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Making small amount of home made Tempe ( Tempeh ) in a microwave

I got the info from a friend of mine who has tried making Tempe 
( Tempeh ) using microwave. 
Hmm quite interesting, especially if You wanna make it in small amount for your self. No need to boil it anymore. I used one cup over night soaked-soybeans for my own experiment.

How to process it?

This is the simple one pic of how making it 

The explanation is below, hope you can catch them up!
  • Put the soaked-soybeans in a microwave safe container with enough water. *just over the soybeans* Set Microwave fresh cook if you have that option just as a friend of mine told her but I don't have it so I pushed vegetable and fresh veg button. *it didn't show how long so this time I made 40second*

  • De-hulling it * remove the hulls* by squeezing it till all hulls fall off. Take the clean soybeans.

  • Put it back to microwave with enough water to cover the soybeans, set 2min. *this is like the boiling part*

  • Drain it

  • Put it back into microwave for 1 min.  

  • Prepare cookie pan or tray with paper towel on it. 

  • Pour the soybeans over the pan. Paper towel will absorb the water that might still there. 

  • Tap gently over the soybeans with another paper towel, till you see no more water left.

  • Pour the starter as soon as it's cooling down. *still warm a little bit* Mix it well.

  • Prepare Ziploc bag that's already been pocked with skewer. Make sure enough holes on each size. Spooned the soybeans carefully into Ziploc.

If you forgot to make holes, make holes as soon as you packed it

  • Arrange in a cookie cooling racks. Cover it with small clean cloth *optional, it's to make faster in my opinion, been experimenting with n without*
  • Store it in a warm temperature at least 65F. *I store it in my pantry*

It will take for about 26-30 hours till Tempeh done. Some more than 36 hours. Just take it out from the pantry. Let it cool and ready to be cooked in many ways.

The result

I made 5 bags of Tempeh on monday but one bag was processed in microwave to see whether it works or not. This is it! 

Good Luck!


  1. Cool!! Waiting for the step by step pics. I showed my friends this n they wanna try it too :)

  2. How much is the starter? One teaspoon? for one cup of soybean?

