
Sunday, July 17, 2011

Lupis Ketan-Sweet Steamed Sticky Rice Snack

Lupis Ketan main ingredient is using glutinous rice (sticky rice). It's sweet since there's palm sugar for the sauce. I used to help my mom making this especially during Ramadhan for breaking the fast. Some people in Indonesia make the Lupis Ketan's shaped is like rolling pin and serve it by cutting into small pieces. But here I like to make into triangle shaped since i don't make plenty.

You can see the pictures below to get the idea what kind of snack this is 
What you need and how to make :
300 gr Glutinous rice or sticky rice, soak it one night
1 Block of palm sugar, put it in a small pot, take half cup of water n boil it till it dissolved
Several Banana leaves, thaw it since it's frozen, wash, clean, dry and cut into pieces, perhaps 7cm by 3cm, depends how big u wanna make. *picture 2 from the top left*
Fold it into triangle shape *picture 3* so that you can hold and put 1 tbsp of the rice *picture 4*

Cover it and take half of wooden toothpick (break into two) stick it to make the cover stay *see pics above*
Ready to be steamed for about one hour.

How to serve
After it's steamed for about one hour, leave it till cold. Unwrap the banana leave. Prepare the plate with shredded coconut that's mixed with pinch of salt. Put the lupis ketan on it. it's sticky so that i just roll it till the shredded coconut covers all. Pour the palm sugar sauce and voilaaaa.. enjoy the sweet sensation of Lupis Ketan.
P.S : I prefer boil it rather than steam.. You will get it evenly cooked


  1. gileee..canggih lo dah bisa bikin lopis..hehehe

  2. gw biasa dulu bantuin mamih kaleee... cm kmrn rada ragu2 apa di kukus apa direbus.. sean blg cepetan dikukus so gw kukus, eh sebagian msh ada yg keras hahaha so gw rebus aja
