Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Home made spinach noodle

Ready to make another experiment! This time is noodle. 
I know it will take times making it but I like learning in my kitchen and I have baby spinach in the fridge. 
Oh God glad I checked it today! It's almost bad. I know I'm not into veggies even worst when I have braces on now.
I rarely cook it unless in smoothie coz I don't like salad and hubby doesn't like spinach Indonesian soup aka sayur bening bayam lol.

By the way I don't know pasta or noodle you can say this. 
I got the recipe Mie Bayam in bahasa and this person modified from this spinach noodle 

Okay, Here is what I did today! capturing with iphone during the process. 
I used most of spinach that's been in the fridge quite long. I chose the ones that were still good of course. But I didn't measure it. It's just almost full in food processor. Like in the pic below.

I poured the mixture of flour, tapioca and salt in the food processor and then continued it by hand.
somehow it's sticky ^^ I added more flour and then let it rest in the fridge before it's back to sticky lol Oh boy I hope I did the right thing. Since the recipe doesn't mention fridge.

You have to play flour a lot in the shaping noodle since it's sticky. My small table was messy! Oh boy, it's fun tho when you finally could see what you were making.^^

To be honest,I was lil bit frustrated when I couldn't shape using pasta maker. Somehow it didn't wanna shape like it's supposed to be. So I did manually, using knife!.
The way I did was that thin dough is Rolled that's been poured with flour so that it wont stick to each other but then it was hard to separate it. Bad.

I was making the dough again flat and thin just like in the beginning. The dough was firm enough since more flour had been poured during the testing I guess. So when I put it in the pasta maker it turned out well. Woohoo!I did the second test well till last dough.
Then boiled the pasta until it's floating. Make sure enough water you put in a big pot.
After boiling it then rinse it in cold water.I did it to avoid stick to one another. Just using tap water tho. After that I arrange it in a pyrex so it won't crumbled that much. You can cook it right away, or store it in the fridge.

I like the green color of spinach here!.
Can't wait cooking it, hmm spicy fried noodle? yummy!

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