Friday, October 25, 2013

Soto Betawi

Soto Betawi Munik Instant seasoning actually. I'm cheating lol.
Heard Munik brand is yummy so I bought some from Indonesia.
well it's not the same as I know about Soto Betawi, the broth is not pale yellow. The taste is quite the same tho. 

Additional garnish just tomatoes, Indonesian pickles *diced cucumber, carrots, fresh chili that's been added vinegar n lil sugar*

Served with lontong or rice and gnetum gnemon crackers aka emping hahah *I still remember the biology term of it* and potatoes that had been diced and boiled.

Hubby loves it!
He ate lontong rice cake too!

Next time I would make my own seasoning from scratch! 
Bon appetite!

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