Friday, March 1, 2013

Roti Sobek Gandum -Whole Wheat Sweet Bread Rolls

I have Whole Wheat flour that's been sitting in my cabinet. Wonder what to make with it. Got the motivation after watching America's Test Kitchen. Tho I didn't follow all directions :P
I used my friend's recipe instead. The basic recipe of Roti Manis. 


200gr Whole wheat flour *I used king arthur's*
50gr all purpose flour
1tsp salt
2tsp yeast
 2egg yolks
50gr sugar
Mixed well 
100ml milk
25gr margarine

Knead the dough well

I might not really good in kneading it or the whole wheat flour needs different treatment. 
According to my sister, I need to beat the dough like old people used to make bread hahaha since my dough is not really developed double size but just tiny bit LOL.

After waiting for about an hour, well I just crossed my fingers to bake it. 

I pinched some dough, filled it with nutella, cheese what ever you like. Wrapped it well, make round shape till the rest of the dough. 

Prepared the pan that has been coated with cooking spray pam or margarine. 

Arranged the dough not too close to each other, enough space to develop so they will stick to one another once it's cooked. 

Brush with eggs. Add cheese or sprinkled chocolate for topping. Baked for about 30-40min till golden brown.

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