Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Chana Masala-Chickpeas Curry

Chana Masala by Fitri Harrell
Chana Masala, a photo by Fitri Harrell on Flickr.
I modified the recipe from
I added meat balls seasoning with Salsa sauce as subs of tomatoes coz i ran out of it LOL. Chicken Masala powder, Pataks extra hot, to get the Indian flavor. Green scallion. Fresh Green Chili. 1cup of coconut milk. 1tsp of corn starch.
The main seasoning is the same as in that recipe's link. Such as Onion, Garlic. Ground Coriander, Cumin, Turmeric, Ginger, Salt, Paprica, I added pepper too. Bring it to taste. Yummy!

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